Día cuarenta y siete.

No importa cómo, cada día conoces a alguien que te descuadra. ["The eye of the tiger"]. Hoy que si 'cariño, amor, mi router es un Citroën', y mañana alguien me dirá que quiere cenar conmigo (hoy querían tomar café en Lérida). Luego, odias a alguien, piensas que alguna persona que hay a tu alrededor es estúpida en demasía. Y va y te habla y luego: '¿Qué cojon*s se supone que tengo que hacer?'. Ay, Rubias. ¡Qué mal me tratáis! And it's something you said you didn't want to do again. You were lying. And now, you discover... It is over a lot of things you have wanted for so long. But, again, like every other thing you have always wanted, it seems unreachable. You're stupid, you're mad. You want it but girl, you don't deserve it. No one deserve what you're doing. And, of course, they don't deserve what you want to do. I want to jump again to banned places like when we were 'bout 15? To have snow wars. Y, sobretodo, quiero volver a columpiarme.

Miss Schneewittchen.


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